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ECIR - European Cancer Inequalities Registry


Information sources

EU Guidelines and Quality Assurance Schemes for cancer screening, diagnosis and care

The European Guidelines and Quality Assurance Schemes for cancer screening, diagnosis and care provide the latest evidence available in the form of recommendations and good practice statements, as well as a voluntary quality assurance scheme covering the entire cancer care pathway.


European Cancer Information System - ECIS

ECIS provides the latest information on indicators that quantify cancer burden across Europe. It permits the exploration of geographical patterns and temporal trends of incidence, mortality and survival data across Europe for the major cancer entities.

The purpose of the web application is to support research as well as public-health decision-making in the field of cancer and to serve as a point of reference and information for European citizens.


European Commission's Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Knowledge Gateway

The Knowledge Gateway is a reference point for public health policy makers that provides reliable, independent and up-to date information on topics related to the promotion of health and the prevention of non-communicable diseases.


European Environment Agency - EEA

The European Environment Agency (EEA) is an agency of the European Union, whose task is to provide sound, independent information on the environment, including evidence of associations between environmental risk factors and cancer outcomes.



Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union. Its statistical overview on cancer is focused on the most common types of cancer, their death toll, the available cancer healthcare personnel and the equipment used for cancer treatment.


Global Cancer Observatory - GCO

The Global Cancer Observatory (GCO) is an interactive web-based platform presenting global cancer statistics to inform cancer control and research.


Global Health Observatory - GHO

GHO data repository is WHO's gateway to health-related statistics. It provides access to over 1000 indicators on priority health topics.


International Agency for Research on Cancer - IARC

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) is the specialized cancer agency of the World Health Organization. The objective of the IARC is to promote international collaboration in cancer research.


Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development - OECD

The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) collaborates with the CONCORD programme to strengthen countries' capacity in monitoring the effectiveness of their health systems in delivering high-quality cancer care.


State of health - OECD

The State of Health in the EU country profiles is a joint work of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, in co-operation with the European Commission.

It provides a concise and policy-relevant overview of health and health systems in all EU countries, Iceland and Norway, emphasising the particular characteristics and challenges in each country.



Other information

Association of European Cancer Leagues - ECL

A non-profit pan-European organisation and an umbrella of national and regional cancer societies.


EC Knowledge Centre on Cancer - KCC

KCC fosters independent scientific alignment, coordination and support to EC cancer-related policies and activities.


European Cancer Pulse

Featuring more than 170 data measurements, the European Cancer Pulse allows to quickly and easily discover cancer care disparities in 50 countries.


European Society for Medical Oncology - ESMO

Organisation for cancer education and information, supporting the oncology community. ESMO’s core mission is to improve the quality of cancer care, from prevention and diagnosis all the way to palliative care and patient follow-up.


SIOP Europe

The European Society for Paediatric Oncology (SIOP Europe or SIOPE) represents professionals working in the field of childhood cancers.


Union for International Cancer Control - UICC

Global membership organisation dedicated to taking action on cancer.