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ECIR - European Cancer Inequalities Registry

ECIR data tool


Inequalities heatmap by country

Data source and links

The time-span covered by the available data does not allow to build a trend chart yet.
The shade of colour relates to the ranking of the data, according to the data range for each indicator in five categories. The countries coloured with the lightest shade were among the 20% of highest-performing countries for a given indicator in terms of cancer inequality. The grey colour indicates the data is unavailable for that particular country.
Click on a country label in the legend to highlight that country line in the chart.
The heatmap chart displays countries performance, from top (highest performing) to bottom (lowest performing). The orange shade stands for the quality of such performance: the lighter the shade, the better the country performs (for that given indicator) in terms of cancer inequality. The grey colour indicates the data is unavailable for that particular country.
The data represent the last available year for each indicator.
Hover over a cell to see values for an indicator for each country, or over the label to see the description of the indicator.
About this indicator


Unit of measure  
Source update frequency  

